Bags & Handbags

Specially designed for

Bags & Handbags


Designed for handbags, purses, suitcases, sportbags

We have also developed an special zipper for luxury leather bags, the Rubi Star.

Products with high compatibility

Meet Rubi Star, our high quality zipper

Combine luxury and functionality

The finish of the Metal Glow teeth is bright with great resistance to corrosion.

Products with high compatibility

Perfect zipper to give a superior look to your clothes

Metal zippers

The most common zippers on purses

Its resistant and elegance provide an stunning look to the accessory specially on leather bags.

Metal Classic

Brass, Aluminum, Copper and Manganese.

Nylon zippers

They are versatile and flexible. A fantastic choice if you are looking for either a chic or sport finish.

bolsa sport
Feel the flexibility

Nylon Coil